About us

About us

Joy Avenue ABA Speech Occupational Therapy

JOY AVENUE provides comprehensive development therapies to children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) using online & off-line (at our center & 3rd party premise) channels. Normal Child Development means balanced growth in 4 key areas i.e. Physical growth, Speech Development, Academic Education & Social Communication. Our multi-disciplinary team provides evidence based pediatric therapies to ensure growth in 4 key areas. To improve accessibility, we establish a low cost Satellite Center at a high population density location, mostly an underserved district (Tier 2 & 3) city, which is closely connected to 40-50 villages. One Satellite center covers suburbs in 10,000 sq. km. area.



To provide accessible, affordable & high-quality child development therapies that ensure balanced growth & enhance the lives of NDD children living in underserved areas across India.


Currently, our 3 centers has improved access in approx. 30,000 sq. km area in Gujarat, conducted > 10,000 therapy sessions, trained > 25 local healthcare professionals, provided homecare training/consultations to >150 parents & created >15 local jobs.


To ensure every child diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) has local access to affordable child development therapies.